Washing outside colorful house
Parents are often unaware how common it is for children to wet the bed way after the age of six or seven because it is one of those problems that children swear their parents to secrecy about. I firmly believe that parents should keep their children’s secret because of the possible bullying involved when peers find out!
But it’s time that more people know the facts so I’ve decided to write a series of blogs on bedwetting because it is a very distressing problem that is often very misunderstood.
A few major signs of Diabetes in children are: Increased thirst ~ (Sometimes) increased hunger ~ Markedly Increased frequency of urinating ~ Increased amount of urine ~ Strongly smelling breath; sometimes people describe it as smelling like pear drops or nail varnish remover (acetone) ~ extreme tiredness or weakness ~ sometimes abdominal pain or nausea / vomiting ~ blurry vision
Check out my forthcoming blogs to see how Hypnotherapy can help with Bedwetting
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