Sometimes it’s good to listen to your favourite story over and over and sometimes it’s nice to have a change. I’ve just written and recorded two more bedtime stories for little children and, if you click on the link, you can read the descriptions and have a listen to the samples.
And while you’re there, why not check out the other titles too?
One audio is all about teddies learning ‘how to be the best teddies ever in helping children go to sleep’. There are embedded suggestions within that help your child to feel more and more sleepy. And who doesn’t like a cuddly teddy?
Another one is about a magic swing that lulls the little one to sleep as they swing backwards and forwards relaxing on comfy magic cushions. The cushions change colours, remind them of happy times and silver stars float down to help them drift off to sleep. And who doesn’t like a little bit of magic?
All the stories have the same aim which is to help the children drift off to sleep … in fact usually yawn their way to sleep … but having a collection of different stories stops them getting bored! Having said that, some kids have a favourite and just want to listen to that special one over and over again.
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