Asian young woman scratch hand feel suffer from allergy while sleeping. Beautiful attractive girl lying on bed in bedroom suffering from itching arm skin allergic reaction to insect bites, dermatitis.
From my personal experience I can say that at times skin irritation has felt almost unbearable. About three years ago for no apparent reason I developed Urticaria (sometimes known as Hives).
A skin specialist prescribed a corticosteroid cream (check the web for a brand name) which I used as advised and, sadly, it did no good whatsoever!
Various pharmacists suggested other medications as support or alternatives and I have to say that the best has been Eurax (an anti-itching cream), and Aveena a soothing moisturising cream.
I mention these creams as they have brought me great relief and I promise that I get no reward whatsoever from mentioning their names … I just want to pass on what has helped me.
The creams had certainly helped but they weren’t the complete answer at bedtime when I wanted to sleep. There are fewer distractions when you want to sleep and your mind more easily focuses on the itching!
A few years ago at the request of several people who were suffering from lack of sleep as a result of itching skin, I wrote and recorded an audio designed to soothe and relieve their symptoms, particularly at night.
I knew it had helped them! People told me so. Had I been listening to it myself? No, I hadn’t!
Why hadn’t I been listening to it myself? I hear you ask! I’ve asked myself this many times since and the kind answer is that I was more concerned about helping other people than helping myself. But, in reality, the true answer is probably that I was just being a bit stupid!
I began listening at night when I went to bed and found that it soothed, comforted and distracted me and that most of the time I was able to drop off to sleep pretty quickly. Sometimes I have felt I needed to play it twice but usually I have been able to drift off to sleep more comfortably, more easily and much more quickly.
It’s not a cure, for me any way, but it is an enormous relief. So, if you want some relief from itching skin at night-time, in addition to the creams, why not give it a try?
You don’t have a lot to lose really … the download is only £8.95 and you can read about it, listen to a sample and buy it here.
Not a lot to lose at £8.95 but potentially a sense of calm, soothed skin and a better night’s sleep to gain!
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