
Mindfulness Meditations: You could describe them as Mindfulness Plus!

There are audios of mindfulness meditations enhanced with some gentle yet very effective hypnotic suggestions for calm and sleep as appropriate. This makes them even more effective than simple mindfulness meditations on their own. Not only can you read about the content before you buy, but you can also listen to short samples of each of them.

Mindfulness Meditations Are Very helpful if you are stressed or having sleeping problems

These audios will be ones that I recommend to clients if they are having stress and/or sleeping problems and they find them very helpful. Sometimes I can find it a bit difficult to sleep myself and these are the recordings that I turn to for help to let go of stressful thoughts and drift calmly off to sleep.


Nothing complicated or difficult…


You can Just listen in bed and feel your mind and your body gently relaxing so that very often you will find yourself dozing off before the end.

They aren’t all about sleep … some simply help you let go of tension, stress, and anxiety but of course, if you are in bed and it is time for sleep it seems to be the natural response to letting go of unwanted stress thoughts.


You can listen in the daytime too…

You can listen whenever and wherever you feel the need for some extra calm and where it is safe to relax. It’s best to find somewhere comfortable to sit down or lie down safely where you don’t have to concentrate on anything else … such as working on your computer or using any kind of machinery. It probably goes without saying not to listen while driving … … but I’m saying it anyway!


One-off or regular listening?

It depends on why you feel the need to listen of course. Some people only listen from time to time when for some reason sleep seems to be eluding them.  Other people just love to listen to the calming voice with gentle, quiet music in the background which seems to soothe them into sleep on a regular basis. Some people like to go to sleep with a particular title while others like to listen to different titles. There’s no one and only right way to do it and no wrong way to do it … (except while driving or doing something that requires your concentration which is a very wrong way to do it of course!) … generally you can just listen in the way that suits you.


Have a look and listen to the samples of Mindfulness-Style Meditations

Looking at the page of mindfulness meditations you can see that the focus is on calm and easy sleep but there are one or two more specific titles that help you cope with very specific stressful ways of thinking and reacting.


There are mindfulness meditation audios which can provide help for people who are having to deal with very specific anxieties such as Panic Attack which can be quite terrifying in the moment, Obsessive Thoughts which are unhelpfully compelling and exhausting, and Self-blaming which seems to be accompanied by a relentless inability to forgive oneself. In these three cases, the audio will almost certainly help you cope but you may find that some personal help from Lynda in addition might be your answer.

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