Beat Driving Test Nerves-Buy CD/MP3 online | First Way Forward

Beat Driving Test Nerves


CD now reduced from £12.95 to £5 while stocks last!
Length: 30 minutes

  • Relax deeply as you listen to a self-hypnosis recording
  • Let go of driving test nerves
  • Feel the calm and confidence in both your mind and body
  • Stay calm in the lead-up-to and all the way through your test
  • Create associations of confidence with the words ‘test’ and ‘examiner’
  • Be aware of a sense of powerful concentration as you drive

22 in stock

Category: Product ID: 13761


Can you drive competently but are LET DOWN BY YOUR NERVES DURING THE TEST? Do you want some hypnotic help to BANISH DRIVING TEST NERVES AND FEEL CALM, COMPOSED AND IN CONTROL? This self-help hypnotherapy recording contains powerful suggestions for an IMMEDIATE BOOST TO INNER CALM & CONFIDENCE. As you gently yet deeply relax, you can absorb suggestions for driving confidently and responsibly while remaining CALM, FOCUSED AND ALERT BOTH BEFORE AND DURING YOUR DRIVING TEST. Ideally, use it frequently, preferably daily, in the lead-up to the test to make this positive, steady mental and physical state second nature to you. You can enjoy calm and confidence in your mind and feel steady and at ease in your body. It will also be INVALUABLE ON THE DAY OF YOUR TEST when you need it most! Lynda’s gentle, voice calms and re-assures you while she helps you FORM ASSOCIATIONS OF CALM AND EASE WITH EACH DRIVING MANOEUVRE AND ASSOCIATIONS OF CONFIDENCE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE EXAMINER.
Play the recording at a quiet time where you won’t be disturbed and never listen while driving or when you need to concentrate on something else. Simply relax and focus on the voice to derive full benefit from the hypnotic recording. This approach is completely natural and drug free and is based on sound hypnotherapy principles. As a former teacher and Clinical Hypnotherapist of many years standing, Lynda has helped thousands of adults and children worldwide through her CDs and downloads. Her work has been featured in the press, TV and radio and she is the author of two widely acclaimed books on the use of hypnotherapy with adults and children.
NB The recording cannot magically turn you into a good driver. This is for you and your driving instructor to achieve! However, staying calm and focused can only improve your driving skills!

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