Deep Sleep the Mindfulness Way | Mindfulness Downloads for Sleep

Deep Sleep the Mindfulness Way


Adults and teenagers – Length: 28 minutes
Powerful Hypnotic Suggestions enhance this meditation:

  • MP3 Format only
  • Relax and mindfully notice how the comfort spreads
  • Acknowledge, yet refuse to engage with, unwanted thoughts,
  • Calm mind >calm body … Calm body>calm mind
  • Create the template of sleep which repeats and repeats
  • Let daydreams slip into night dreams
  • Drift into ever deeper sleep all night through

7 in stock

Category: Product ID: 13771


Enjoy comfort and relaxation as you learn the skill of merely noticing and acknowledging uninvited thoughts while simply letting them pass by instead of engaging with them in any way. Create a template of deep sleep while in a meditation state and then know that sleep itself reinforces this template so each night the pattern of drifting into deep sleep automatically repeats itself.
This Deep sleep the mindfulness way  recording uses state of the art technology and can be used with and without headphones. Regular listening at bedtime is the key to success!

Lynda’s gentle, English voice calms, re-assures as you listen. As a former teacher and clinical hypnotherapist of many years standing, she has helped thousands of people world-wide through her audios. She has featured in the press, TV and radio and is author of two widely acclaimed books on hypnotherapy with children and adults.

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