Tame your Temper – Hypnosis Script
Suitable for children approx. 6-9 years
This is a useful script to help children cope better with their angry feelings and respond more calmly and in a more controlled way. It is written in a non-judgemental way but doesn’t shy away from helping children in quite an open and practical way take charge of their temper
The script includes:
- A short calming induction
- An imaginative visualisation of going to a calming garden where they can think about their angry feelings
- Through some fun sub modality changes which they make they begin to externalise their anger instead of bottling it up inside
- They learn a colour breathing activity to relieve angry feelings and take charge of their temper
- They learn how to put their feelings in a safe container outside themselves while they learn how to deal with things more appropriately
- Then they learn from other children’s ideas of how to calm themselves including one of ‘taming the angry temper lion’
- Guided visualisation of safe and successful outcome