Girl in the morning sits on toilet seat
Although ‘withholding’ is an incredibly common problem, the reasons for it can differ enormously from child to child. And if a child were to listen to a general audio and not find it helpful it could turn out to be another setback. Setbacks can be even worse than the original problem!
Something which is created specifically for the individual child for such a sensitive matter
is far more likely to be successful than something general.
What is right for one child may be totally wrong for another.
I have specialised with this problem for many years now. Each audio I make takes into account the age of the child, their unique personality, their strengths and weaknesses, their likes and dislikes, and their favourite pastimes. I discover all of these through the answers to my questionnaires and the conversations I have with their parents.
Does your little child have trouble getting to sleep? Have you ‘tried everything’ with no…
This lovely young lady is Poppy who was 9 years old, when she came to…
Are children’s ‘poo issues’ increasing? Or is it just that parents are becoming much…
Fears, Phobias and Anxiety definitely share the same underlying relationship of fear and worry but…
There are audios of mindfulness meditations enhanced with some gentle yet very effective hypnotic suggestions…
You know and I know that… There’s a definite link these days between the dreaded…